Tuesday, January 18

the wonderful thing about friends

Charlotte came out one morning & announced that she was ready and that we could go to Avva's house. Avva, sadly enough, lives nearly a thousand miles away. A few minutes later Charlotte had also added her pink winter boots to the ensemble. They would be needed on a cold day like today of course. Such a practical girl.
After her mother had dashed all of her hopes and dreams for the day she decided to play in her room for awhile, still asking frequently if we could go to Avva's--just in case. She was incredibly proud of the outfit she had picked for just such an occasion as visiting a well-loved, mutually admiring friend. Isn't that the wonderful thing about friends.


Anonymous said...

She's got AWESOME fashion taste. Also, I LOVE the picture of that guy you added to the sidebar. It's not bad of Jonathan either.

Candace Nelson said...

Wise Cracker. Was that you or Alex?

Unknown said...

i just had time to read this. SOOOO adorable!!! What great friends they are...even from a distance! HA! I love it!